Hola amigos. My summer is going really well so far and it feels like it has been
way more than only 1 week which is awesome! How have I spent my holiday so far, you may ask? It has been mellow, walking on the Heath with my dog, seeing 'Holy Rollers' (fyi, it's pretty good), watching films in my new cinema room (it's totally like a 'Cribs' episode in my house now. "This is where the magic happens"), going shopping, and all that jazz. One night, can't remember which, my Mother and I went to Jade Jagger's jewelry show and I bought these sweet gold skull earrings with pink diamonds for eyes. Obviously, I adore them. Another thing I should mention is that on Thursday night I went to Jake and Dinos Chapman's new show. They are really good friends of the family and I have known them for nearly my whole life, so my Dad has a lot of their work all over the house (and, of course, 2 tattoos designed by Dinos himself). This show definitely lived up to the high standards and maybe even exceeded them. The twist on this particular show was that there were 2 venues and all of Jake's art was in one, Dinos' in the other. As always it blew my mind. I'm very into darker art and their work was phenomenal and exactly what I love about art. They are not afraid to shock and go further than other artists would. People who are offended by their art should get over it and just see how much work has gone into is and just how beautiful it is. Jus' sayin'. After seeing both shows we attended the after party where we saw Little Duffy, Polly Morgan and a billion other people which I would list but that would get to a point where it would come across as blatant name dropping (cough, Kate Moss, Lily Cole, Natalia Vodianova, Pixie Geldof, Kelly Osborne, cough). May I just add in that Natalia took a picture of me and told me I looked so cool. Life = complete. Enough jibber jabber, here are the photos -

Outfit for Jade's show.
Top - Christopher Kane, Shorts - Reformation, Shoes - Doc Martin.
New earrings that I am in love with.
Outfit for the Chapmans Brothers' show.
Top - Ashish, Shorts - Reformation, Shoes - Céline.
One of my favourite pieces for sure!
These girls, wearing a brown uniform with the Nazi symbol and 'They teach us nothing' on their jumpers, were scarily similar to the little ones at my Junior school. The brown uniform part, not the Nazi part. Just wanted to clear that up. Moving on....
Thought I would throw in a photo of me and Milo.
That's all for now. Adios!
e x
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