Yesterday was one of the most significant days of my entire 14.6 years. Yes, I was freed from the metal wires and elastic bands and agonizing pain. Okay, it wasn't that awful, but still... I GOT MY BRACES OFF. And it feels/felt freaking awesome.
The obligatory 'before & after' shots:
Another thing that made yesterday immense? My Mother and I were at the beloved Dover Street Market and she finally agreed to purchase a Christopher Kane galaxy print vest for me! My eyes have been on it for literally a year now and I can not wait to wear it. As we were at Dover Street we saw Alex, who works there and is a good friend and possibly the most stylish man alive, and he took us (in secret!) to see some pieces from the new Céline collection. As always, beautifully made, crisp, classic, beauts. My Mother actually has one of the lovely bags from this collection and I intend on stealing it. Obviously I did not get anything due to the slight cost issue, but Alex gave me this purple heart Comme de Garçon Play t-shirt for free!!! Told you he was wicked cool.
Excuse my awful 'iPhone-Mirror-Facebook-esque' photography...
e x