Dianna Agron -
Not only does she star in Glee, but she has a blog where she shares her favourite music and more. J'adore.
Celestine Cooney -
Celestine is an immense stylist and friend (she was the genius who got me front row tickets for the Ashish show she styled last year at London Fashion week) and her blog is awesome.
Lucy Chadwick -
Duffy's girlfriend, Lucy, works for galleries and is crazy cool. She also happens to be beautiful and has incredible taste (art and fashion). Check it!
Tavi Gevinson -
Now, everyone has heard of Tavi due to her photoshoots in magazines such as 'The Pop'. May I just mention, she ain't the youngest blogger!
Susie Bubble -
Fun, fashionable and pretty adorable, too. Susie Bubble has one of the best fashion blogs out there (in my opinion! Don't be hatin'!)... and I just love her quirky style.
The Satorialist -
L-O-V-E. 'Nuff said.
Keiko Lynn -
Apart from the fact she has one of the coolest names I have ever heard, I just adore her blog. Such a feminine and gorgeous woman who can combine 'cute' with 'sophisticated' flawlessly. The way she combines retro pieces with modern designers is also admirable. P.S Her make up skills are RAD.
Fashion Toast -
Not my favourite, but still, worth the mention. Favourite aspect of the blog is probably the quality of photography, plus some of her outfits are uber cool.
Now, I would like to take a moment to tell you about the Michael van der Ham show. As I provided a sufficient number of photographs from my adventure I thought it would only be right to justify just how awesome the experience was in words. Claire Richardson was the stylist and I mentioned that I met her in the Catskills during the summer. Such a lovely person and she did a wonderful job at the show! Lucy, Duffy's girlfriends, was helping out and although she was probably stressed to the max, she looked as chic as ever! Duffy is one of my best friends and was so kind, letting me follow him around like a puppy with my camera and take photos the whole time! He also introduced me to all the uber fun and nice people behind the scenes of the show. The Duf also introduced me to some lovely and beyond stunning (obvs) models, such as Kara. She was from Wales, only 17 and it was her first show ever! The crew members all fawned over my shoes (Louboutin studded kicks) whilst I fawned over the collection! The pieces were mainly dresses made with a velvet material with jewel hued tones, but he also included some metallic trousers that were definitely eye catching! Overall,the experience made me feel like one hell of a lucky girl.
Thank you so much, Duffy!