Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Spring 2010

Hello there. So, here we are, coming up to the Easter holidays. About time! Me and the fam are going on our annual trip to L.A and Santa Cruz in roughly 2 weeks {SCORE} but before that, on Monday 29th I am going to see The Specials!!!!!! Tilda was going to come along but something came up so now I am taking my other good pal, Ruby. Don't you worry, there will be PLENTY of info and pictures from that. Stay tuned.

Oh yeah, before I forget, last thursday I went along with my parents to the shoe box charity event auction. The charity event was for Kids Company and the Bryan Adams Foundation. It was a really emotional subject and I really love how they help the less fortunate children. Keep it up guys! Anyways, I was super happy by the end of the night because my dad bought the Damien Hirst shoebox AND the Chapman brothers shoebox! We also agreed that I could have the Damien Hirst in my room. KA-CHING!

This is the Damien Hirst that will soon be in my room. EEP.

Ahh, you gotta love the Chapmans and their art work.

On the note of photography, I recently purchased a Diana Lomography camera that I adore but annoyingly, I have not had a chance to buy film for it yet. When I do, there will be too many photos to put on the old blog so maybe I will have a big section on photography. As I have mentioned before, I got an insane camera for my birthday, in October, and finally I figured out how to use all the different settings and affects. Took a while to get there, but now I have I cannot stop taking photos! Gosh, I love photography.

My Cameras

I felt the need to put this photograph up. My 'moody' look.

Bye guys!

Thursday, 4 March 2010

"I only wanna be your one life stand"

What's up guys? Basically, I have kind of nothing to talk about, AT THE MOMENT. Don't worry, something will happen soon. Be patient. For the time being, I wanna talk more about music as I love it dearly. As I have already said, I am going to a Florence & the Machine concert (EEP) but I haven't told you about my other upcoming musical event! On the 29th of March, Tilda and I are going to see.... THE SPECIALS!!! I know, super duper psyched obviously. It is for 'Teenage Cancer Trust' at the Royal Albert Hall. I was hoping for a more exciting venue, full of people and life, but c'mon. As long as I see The Specials then I am more than happy. Here are some of my favourite tunes at the moment. Enjoy!

Au Revoir!